FDA Seeks $8.4 Billion to Further Investments in Critical Public Health Modernization, Core Food, and Medical Product Safety Programs

The fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request Reflects 34% Increase,
Focuses on Immediate Priorities
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced it is
requesting a total budget of $8.4 billion as part of the President’s fiscal
year (FY) 2023 budget – a nearly 34% ($2.1 billion) increase over the agency’s
FY 2022 appropriated funding level for investments in critical public health
modernization, core food safety and medical product safety programs and other
vital public health infrastructure. The request includes $3.7 billion in budget
authority – including an increase of $356 million, and $3 billion in user fees
– an increase of $153 million. The request also includes $1.6 billion in
mandatory funding to support the FDA’s ability to prepare for future pandemics.
“The funding outlined in this year’s FDA budget request is
critical to fulfilling the agency’s mission as we continue our work on a wide
range of COVID-19 and non-COVID priorities. The FDA has focused our budget
request on some of today’s most urgent needs such as human and animal food
safety, medical device security, and e-cigarette oversight. We also continue to
look ahead at our role in public health, including at ways to modernize our
efforts to keep pace with evolving science, technology, and potential public
health emergencies,” said FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D. “Additional
funding brings new ways to leverage opportunities to protect and advance the
health of every American with reliable and science-based information. We look
forward to continuing our work with Congress to help meet the critical public
health challenges ahead.”
The FY 2023 request, which covers the period from Oct. 1,
2022, through Sept. 30, 2023, fully funds initiatives previously requested in
the FY 2022 budget request and includes new efforts for high priority program
areas. Highlights of the agency’s request include:
Key Areas |
Amount (mil) |
Pandemic Preparedness |
1600 |
Food Safety Modernization |
43 |
Nutrition |
14 |
Cancer Moonshot |
20 |
Medical Devices |
5 |
Premarket Animal Drug Submissions |
5 |
Opioid Crisis |
30 |
Digitization |
68 |
Reducing Use & Harms of Tobacco |
100 |
Inspectional Capacity |
24 |
Product Testing |
5 |
Pandemic Preparedness
$1.6 billion over five years to support the FDA’s HHS
Pandemic Preparedness Plan contributions. The FY 2023 Budget makes
transformative investments in pandemic preparedness and biodefense across the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ public health agencies to enable
an agile, coordinated, and comprehensive public health response to future
threats and protect American lives, families, and the economy. This budget
increase would allow the FDA to modernize its regulatory capacity by
strengthening its IT and laboratory infrastructure. The agency will also focus
on the evaluation of vaccines and therapeutics to respond to any future
pandemic or high consequence biological threat, facilitate rapid development of
diagnostics, and work to support efforts to expand the personal protective
equipment supply chain.
Food Safety & Nutrition Modernization
$43 million in additional investments in food safety
modernization, including animal food safety oversight. The budget builds on
the successes of human and animal food safety modernization activities and
supports the agency’s continued implementation of the New Era of Smarter Food
Safety and other core food safety efforts to enable the FDA to strengthen
data-driven approaches to protecting consumers, allocating regulatory oversight
resources based on risk and improving the FDA’s capacity to quickly respond to
ongoing and evolving public health challenges. Building on the modernized food
safety regulatory framework created by the FDA
Food Safety Modernization Act, this funding will allow the agency to
improve prevention-oriented food safety practices, strengthen data sharing and
predictive analytics capabilities and enhance traceability to more quickly
respond to outbreaks and recalls for human and animal food. The budget request
advances mutual reliance efforts as part of the New Era of Smarter Food Safety
by providing significant funding to state animal food programs. In partnership
with states, the FDA will expand efforts to modernize, harmonize and transform
the U.S. animal food inspection system to become more comprehensive and
$14 million to improve health equity through nutrition.
Through the Healthy and Safe Food for All initiative, the budget includes
additional funding to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins in food.
Additional funding and legislative proposals will focus specifically on better
protecting mothers, infants, and young children through contamination limits in
food, product testing requirements, notification of anticipated significant
interruptions in the supply of infant formula or essential medical foods, as
well as modernization of dietary supplement regulation.
Advancing Access to Safe and Effective Medical Products
$20 million for the FDA’s efforts as part of Cancer
Moonshot to speed progress in cancer research and improve cancer outcomes.
The budget request provides a one-time infusion of funding to advance a variety
of research, external collaborations, and educational outreach programs and
continue to support the development and regulation of oncology medical products
through the Oncology Center of Excellence. The agency will build upon existing
programs to advance Moonshot’s goals.
$5 million increase toward improving the safety and
security of medical devices. Developing a more comprehensive cybersecurity
program for medical devices will help to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities
that could compromise medical systems or disrupt device manufacturing or
consumer use, placing national security at risk. Dedicated base funding for a
cybersecurity program will allow the FDA to hire additional staff to recruit
and develop greater cyber expertise within the devices program and administer
grants and contracts to develop infrastructure geared towards addressing
emerging cybersecurity challenges.
$5 million in additional funding to boost review capacity
for premarket animal drug submissions. Continuing to meet performance
commitments, including reduced application review times for animal drug
reviews, is a priority for the agency. The number of animal drug submissions
received has steadily increased over time and therefore more effort is needed
to review the additional submissions within agreed upon user fee timeframes and
subsequently increase the availability of safe and effective animal drug
$30 million in additional funds to advance the goal of ending the opioid crisis. Funding will address four priority areas of the epidemic including decreasing exposure and preventing new addiction, supporting the treatment of those with opioid use disorder, fostering the development of novel pain treatment therapies, and improving enforcement and assessing benefit-risk.
Core Operations
$68 million in further investments in Data Modernization
and Enhanced Technologies. The budget provides increases to core programs
and infrastructure aligned to the food and medical product programs as well as
critical enterprise technology capabilities. Data-informed capabilities, such
as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and state-of-the-art solutions
like blockchain, will be critical to supporting the FDA’s public health
priorities. Data modernization will also allow the FDA to review large volumes
of data more quickly to identify critical safety signals or emerging outbreaks.
$100 million increase in user fees to support the FDA’s
mission of reducing the use and harms of tobacco. The request includes
funding to enhance the FDA’s ongoing oversight of e-cigarettes and other ENDS
products, which remains a high priority and is critical to the agency’s public
health mission, especially, in protecting kids from the dangers of nicotine
addiction and other harmful health consequences. The budget proposes the
additional user fees and requests authority to include manufacturers and
importers of all deemed products among the tobacco product classes for which
the FDA assesses tobacco user fees.
$24 million to optimize inspections and enhance
inspectional capacity. The budget request increases support for the
recruitment and training of new FDA investigators to improve the efficiency of
the agency’s human and animal food and medical product inspectional operations.
With additional personnel, as well as expanding the use of new and existing
inspectional tools, the FDA will enhance its inspectional capacity and build on
the efforts to keep pace with rapidly expanding industry including medical
countermeasures and advanced manufacturing.
$5 million in new funding for a comprehensive strategy for new, alternative methods for product testing. The budget includes funding to support a new, FDA-wide New Alternative Methods Program to reduce animal testing through the development of qualified alternative methods and spur the adoption of methods for regulatory use that can replace, reduce and refine animal testing. New alternative methods have the potential to provide both more timely and more predictive information to accelerate product development and enhance emergency preparedness.
Legislative Proposals
To complement the funding requests the agency’s budget
proposal also includes a package of legislative proposals designed to bolster
the FDA’s authorities to further its mission to protect and promote public
health. Notable proposals include efforts to:
- Modernize dietary supplement regulation, seeking to require
annual listing with the FDA of individual dietary supplement products,
including basic information about each unique product. It is estimated the
current supplement market is between 50,000 and 80,000 products. Additionally,
the agency seeks to clarify its authority’s over-marketed dietary supplement
products to better facilitate enforcement against unlawfully marketed products,
allowing the FDA to know when new products are introduced, quickly identify
dangerous or illegal products on the market, and take appropriate action to
protect consumers.
- Require firms to notify the FDA of anticipated significant
interruptions in the supply of infant formula or essential medical foods for
patients with certain inborn errors of metabolism. This proposal would ensure
the agency routinely receives timely and accurate information about likely or
confirmed shortages in the U.S. and help the FDA to take steps to promote the
continued availability of these foods. Additionally, the FDA is seeking
authority to require firms to provide shortage notification for other
FDA-designated categories of food during a declared public health
- Enhance drug and biologic accelerated approval provisions to
help ensure that the confirmatory studies will progress promptly and reap
high-quality, interpretable results. This will help minimize the time that a
product is marketed before its clinical benefit can be confirmed. The FDA is
also proposing a technical fix to revise the accelerated approval withdrawal
- Amend the Hatch-Waxman 180-day patent challenge exclusivity
provisions. The FDA can approve subsequent generic drug applications unless and
until a first applicant begins commercial marketing of a drug and triggers the
exclusivity period, at which point approval of subsequent applications would be
blocked by 180 days. This would ensure that the exclusivity only lasts 180
days, as intended, rather than multiple years. This would substantially
increase the likelihood that generic versions of patent-protected drugs come
into the market in a timely fashion and would allow multiple versions of
generic products to be approved quickly leading to significant cost savings.
- Require the destruction of imported products by their owner
or consignee that have been refused and pose a significant risk to public
health. The FDA believes this new authority would prevent the potential
re-importation of these products and would deter owners and consignees from
importing products they know to pose a significant public health risk. This
authority could also increase efficiencies when Customs and Border Protection
seizes an FDA-regulated product.
- Assure a more resilient domestic supply chain for medical devices. This would include the authority to require certain firms to provide notification of potential shortages with production volume information. In addition, it would establish a requirement for device manufacturers to perform risk assessments, implement risk management plans and identify alternate suppliers and manufacturing sites. The FDA is also proposing the temporary importation of unapproved devices, with appropriate scientific and regulatory controls, when needed to prevent or mitigate a shortage.
Related Information
FY 2023
President’s Budget Request for the FDA
FY 2023
FDA Budget Summary Fact Sheet
Summary of FY 2023 Legislative Proposals